Well I did it, I shaved my head! After my treatment monday I noticed that my hair was starting to come out more and more. It was very disheartening to discover that the one thing I really wasn't looking forward to was starting to happen. I knew it normally came between the 2nd and 3rd treatment session, I was hoping that my case would wait until the 3rd but apparently it had a different idea. I have had mixed emotions this week about what was happening. At first I thought I could handle the fact that every time I put my fingers in my hair that I would pull 30-50 strands out but by wednesday I was starting to really be beside myself about it. I tried to get Brandon and his mom Ann to shave it for me Wednesday night but they talked me into waiting just a few more days sstating that it still looked ok. But Thrursday brought even more hair into my brush and fingers and it was starting to be more than I could handle. I had been given a name of a fellow sister who had a hair salon that was willing to help those of us in this amazing group. Betty, the salon owner, was amazing! She was so positive and upbeat about what it was I was there for. She talked through everything, and she shared her story with Brandon and I as she preceeded to shave my head. She even let me shave a few strips that actually was really a little liberating. She helped me shape the wigs that I already had to fit me and my personality if you will and also helped me find another that was very fun. She truly made the part of all of this that was something I wasn't looking forward to not so scary and faceable. She truly is an angel in a world of dispair. She did this all at no charge to me. She is an Awesome cancer Survior giving back. I hope that I can follow in her foot steps.
Well as my mother told me, my head is
very beautiful! I hope that you enjoy the journey with me.
Here are a few of the pics from my journey!
Even the back is cute!
Here is my Mom wig! What do you think do I look like my Mom? Brandon thinks so! :)
Here is the fun and flirty wig!
Here is the new wig from my journey with Betty, she is going to try and find one that is even closer to my true hair color. I totally love this hat, fun, flirty, and very snug! Thanks Tonya!!
She told me that it is kinda fun wearing so many different types of wigs, maybe one day I will try a blonde wig, who knows? Hope you have enjoyed the journey so far!
Isn't he the cutest guy ever!!!
Thanks so much for being there every step of the way!