Well family and friends I am taking a little time today to share with you have it is I am feeling lately. It has been a very interesting road these last little while. With treatment # 5 and now #6 I was given the second dose of a drug they call taxol. That is exactly what it is taxing. It is taking most of my energy and whipping it out. I have been experiencing some perpherial neuropathy along with it that is making some tasks very hard, not undoable but very hard. What it is like is having dead wait or a better way to describe it would probably be having your feet and hands a sleep and you can't wake them up so you have to use them anyway. I also have a continous ache throughout my lower legs that feel like I just ran a marathon and can't seem to get them to function. For the most part though I am able to get a long with lots of patience from Brandon and his mom and I am still able to do most everything for myself. I am still working on my good weeks and it is going pretty well considering we are in very cold weather. I make sure I bundle really well and then I do as little running around, as possible. My boss is amazing to work for and he is very concerned with keeping me safe and healthy. Well there you have it. My progress report. And it only took me 15 minutes to keep these fingers going. I am glad I can still use my fingers and toes to function and that considering what it is I am facing Dr. Lawson still calls me a perfect patient. I hope that you all find yourself having a wonderful Turkey day this week and know that I love and miss you all!
Things will get better because you are always in our prayers! We are wishing you better this month. Think about you guys often. XOXOXO